One of the heart warming events here in the mission field is when a missionary couple is getting ready to return home from the mission field. We as a group have a going away party for them and then at the end they speak to us. It generally is very heartfelt their comments. Tonight was no exception. Fred and Candy Berthrong are from Utah and are converts. He was a nuclear scientist. Both very smart and engaging. They have worked as Humanitarian missionaries for the last 18 months for the country of Chile. We have enjoyed their conversations as they have been very enlightening and fun. We will miss them. I am attaching a group picture from August of 2012 to contrast the group of April 2013. It has changed a bit. We had lots of food and good conversation.
L-R Fred and Candy Berthrong, Sister Perry, Sister Memott, Sister Onate, Sister Bowler
2nd row Elder Dalton, President Allred, Sister Allred, Sister Dalton, Brother Perry, Sally and Jay Karren, Sister Mikesell and Elder Mikesell, Elder and Sister Mason, Elder and Sister Graham, Van and Millie Layman, Joe Bowler, Rik and Sister Lee, Art and Ardith Hayden, Pepe and Pelusa Pardo, Perry and Frances Roberts |
Sitting L-R Sally and Jay Karren, Candy Berthrong, Sister and Brother Perry, President and Sister Allred
2nd Row Van and Millie Layman, Vaun Mikesell, Lance Willis, Karl Turley, Art Hayden, Pepe Pardo, Perry Roberts, R.K. Udall and Sister Udall, Richard and Norma Graham, Elder and Sister Gilbert
Back Row Sister Mikesell, Margie Willis, Edie Turley, Pelusa Pardo, Frances Roberts, Sandra Thompson
Fred and Candy Berthrong and Van and Millie Layman
Fred and Candy Berthrong and Millie Layman
Candy Berthrong and Millie Layman a tender moment
Fred Berthrong speaking to us
Candy Berthrong speaking to us
Fred and Candy Berthrong
Let's Eat
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